Ventura County – a Cleaner Future
The County of Ventura’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) is our county’s plan for reducing carbon emissions from 2020 to 2040 and adapting to climate change in an equitable manner. The CAP is a part of the larger General Plan, which was adopted in 2020.
The electronic-CAP (eCAP) measures the implementation status of the County’s CAP, offers transparency to our constituents of the CAP’s success, and highlights other county operations and community actions that the County is doing to reduce emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast, Reduction Targets, and Goals
The CAP includes an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from 2015’s activities in unincorporated Ventura County and projected forecasts based on business-as-usual (BAU) activities. To align with the state’s GHG reduction goals, the CAP has set reduction targets and goals to lower the region’s emissions.