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What other General Plan CAP Programs is the County implementing?
The County’s CAP also has programs and policies that relate to climate adaptation – ranging from sea level rise adaptation to informing the public on the health risks of extreme heat to educating residents near fire-prone areas in recognizing the first signs of a wildfire.

General Plan CAP Program HAZ-A: Develop and Implement Educational Programs for Wildfire Resilience
Ventura County Fire Department works closely with federal, state, and local partners such as the Fire Safe Councils in Ventura County to educate the public on how to protect their buildings from wildfires. To learn more about their programs, visit the Ventura County Fire Department’s website.
General Plan CAP Program HAZ-S: Extreme Heat Education and Outreach
County of Ventura Public Health and County of Ventura Sustainability Division are partnering to deliver multilingual education and outreach on the dangers of heat-related illnesses and what actions people can take for prevention.

General Plan CAP Program HAZ-G: Communication Program for Property Owners At-Risk from Sea Level Rise
Expanding on the VC Resilient Coastal Adaptation Project, County of Ventura Resource Management Agency is seeking funding to implement a communication program to provide updates on sea level rise impacts.